- Skyrim Fnis Sexlab Framework Idles Se
- Skyrim Fnis Sexlab Framework Idles
- Skyrim Fnis Sexlab Creature Idles
This Update replaces the files for localized FNIS messages (JP, RU): - Russian (thank you, kopasov) - Japanese (thank you, kuroko137) This update is identical for EVERY FNIS 7.5 version (S, LE, VR/regular and XXL) Mod manager download. Manual download. If you use MO: Configure FNIS as executable (IMPORTANT - See one of the videos shown here, or read S.T.E.P. Project: Fores New Idles in Skyrim) Select necessary 'Available Patches' (ONLY those you need! See section 'Patches') from the bottom part of the generator window; Click 'Update FNIS Behavior'. Page 273 of 576 - Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS - posted in File topics: PsycoWookiee9, did you ever get resolution to this issue? Im having the same exact problems, and Ive pretty much isolated it to something with either FNIS, FNIS Creature Pack or FNIS Spells. I currently have a profile loaded that only has SKSE and its associated fixes, SKYUI and Alternate Start loaded. No problems with. For some reason, I have everything installed and 3 lines are showing as a question mark in game for sexlab menus. These 3 lines are 'behaviors generated' 'framework idles' and 'creature idles' even though I have creature pack 6.1 installed. Though the others im not sure as to the problem. Also whenever I run fnis for user, it says creature pack not installed.
- Tip: You should always read the ReadMe files for the mods you want to use.
- .___.
- {0,0} _________________________________________________________________________________________________
- /)__)> |this file was made in June 2017 and the information within is subject to change due to mod updates|
- -'-'- ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- http://skse.silverlock.org/
- Fores New Idles (aka: FNIS) (don't forget to download the 'FNIS Creature Pack')
- http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/3863/
- UIExtensions
- http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/150-skyrim-sexlab-sex-animation-framework-v161b-updated-jan-7th-2016/
- SexLab Tools
- http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/2018-sexlab-tools-v30/
- Sexlab Aroused Redux (you only need it's bsa file to prevent the 'Creature Framework API reference not found' error)
- http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/1421-sexlab-aroused-redux-10-august-2016/
- More Nasty Critters: SLAL Edition (aka: MNC)
- http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/4130-more-nasty-critters-slal-edition/
- Creature Framework
- http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/1622-creature-framework/
- JContainers
- http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/2488-sexlab-animation-loader/
- MatchMaker
- http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/163-sexlab-matchmaker-updated-09172014/
- Suggested Load Order:
- SexLab.esm
- CreatureFramework.esm
- (All other .esm mods here)
- SkyUI.esp
- FNIS.esp
- MoreNastyCritters.esp
- SexLabNudeCreaturesDG.esp (only if you have Dawnguard)
- SexLabNudeCreaturesDB.esp (only if you have Dragonborn)
- SLAnimLoader.esp
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- My helpful list of available free to use SLAL Packs:
- Warning to new users/members: there is a limit to how many animations FNIS can load, so only install the packs that you truly want to use.
- SLAL Pack Collection
- http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/2856-sl-animation-loader-pack-collection-and-installation-guide/
- http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/3999-billyys-slal-animations/
- http://www.loverslab.com/topic/56684-animation-by-evacuation/?p=1836543
- http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/2702-funnybizness-v246-slal-pack-by-shashankie/
- http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/2897-slal-komotors-animations/
- http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/3426-k4-animations-slal-package/
- http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/2615-slal-animations-by-leito-91216/
- http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/2436-horny-creatures-of-skyrim/
- http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/2979-slmastermike-testpack-animations/
- http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/3771-slal-mike24-animations-classics/
- http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/2725-feet-lovers-slal-anims-idles-cum-textures-sam-feet-replacer/
- http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/3765-nazonootokos-animations-for-slal/
- http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/1972-rydins-animations-resource-pack/
- http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/3020-slal-animations-by-sailing-rebel-srb-2016-06-29/
- http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/2585-nibbles-animations/
- http://www.loverslab.com/topic/62530-sukes-animations-slal-692016/
- http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/3975-znaroks-animations-with-slal-pack/
- http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/4260-3jious-animations-for-slal/
- some other SLAL Packs can be found here
- http://www.loverslab.com/topic/55268-sexlab-animation-loader-guide/page-6#entry1422937
- other animation packs (not SLAL):
- http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/3097-sap-sexlab-animation-pack/
- http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/2625-m2m-gay-animations/
- Don't forget to run the GenerateFNISforUsers.exe after installing any animation packs/mods
- C:GamesSteamSteamAppsCommonSkyrimDatatoolsGenerateFNIS_for_UsersGenerateFNISforUsers.exe
- C:Program Files (x86)SteamSteamAppsCommonSkyrimDatatoolsGenerateFNIS_for_UsersGenerateFNISforUsers.exe
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1. in my opinion, Mod Managers should be avoided like the plague (i hate all of them).
- but if you insist on using one, make sure that it's installing the files to the right location.
- note: Mod Managers may require extra steps to get FNIS working: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iukqiPz7XuU
- 2. run/rerun the GenerateFNISforUsers.exe, if you don't the animations wont work/run.
- C:GamesSteamSteamAppsCommonSkyrimDatatoolsGenerateFNIS_for_UsersGenerateFNISforUsers.exe
- C:Program Files (x86)SteamSteamAppsCommonSkyrimDatatoolsGenerateFNIS_for_UsersGenerateFNISforUsers.exe
- WARNING: Windows (Vista/7/8/10) Security may interfere with updating/overwriting the FNIS behavior files.
- you may not even get a error message telling you that this has happened.
- make sure FNIS and your mod manager are running with administrator privileges.
- 3. when you start the game with the Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE) loader the list of installed mods wont get refreshed, so if you install a mod and just start the game with the loader any new mods you installed wont be fully activated. to fix this problem go to the skyrim launcher and click on 'DATA FILES' and it will refresh the list of installed mods, you can now close the launcher and start the game with the skse loader.
- 4. in game you need to go inside SexLab's Mod Control Menu (MCM) and click on 'install' first before you can use SexLab.
- 5. make sure you have 'Allow Creature Animation' checked in SexLab's MCM settings.
- 6. turn off 'Match Creature Gender' in sexlab's MCM settings, if this setting is enabled some animations won't play, its because most creatures don't have female counterparts in skyrim by default.
- 7. did you forget to install the FNIS Creature Pack? install it and rerun the GenerateFNISforUsers.exe, then do steps 5 & 8
- 8. you may need to reload the animations, go to the Animation Loader's MCM and then:
- 8.2. click on 'Rebuild Animation Registry', then Wait for the message to pop up*.
- 8.4. click on 'Enable All'.
- 8.5. click on the 'Add to Registry' button, then Wait for the message to pop up*.
- *if you like you can press '~' on your keyboard to open the console so you can watch it Register everything, just make sure you close it before you try to click on anything.
- 9. if all else fails, try loading a older save file from before sexlab was installed.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 'Creature Framework API reference not found. Make a clean save and try again' error and/or the MCM for Creature Framework is missing:
- you need to install the .bsa file from Sexlab Aroused to fix this problem.
- Aroused mesh not getting applied during animations:
- go to the Creature Framework MCM and click on 'Re-register all mods', then unpause the game and Wait a Minute.
- note: if you have SexLab Aroused fully installed you may need to lower the 'Arousal threshold' setting in the Creature Framework MCM.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 'ERROR(9): Index was outside the bounds of the array' or 'ERROR(2026): Too many animations':
- you have Too many animation mods and/or SLAL Packs installed, use the 'XXL' version of FNIS or uninstall some animations.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- from: http://wiki.step-project.com/Guide_talk:Troubleshooting
- the problem with installing script heavy mods is that the default Papyrus settings are not capable of handling the additional stress.
- This tweak should increase stability, and needs to be added to the Skyrim.ini file under the [Papyrus] section.
- Your Skyrim.ini can be found in My DocumentsMy GamesSkyrim
- [Papyrus]
- fExtraTaskletBudgetMS=1.6
- bEnableLogging=0
- bLoadDebugInformation=0
- iMinMemoryPageSize=256
- note: you should only have logging turned on (bEnableLogging=1) if you are actively trying to find a problem.
- the rest of the time it's just a drain on system resources and it can cause extra stress for the papyrus system.
- therefor if you have it on all the time it can potentially become a part of the problem your trying to fix.
- it only logs the scripts anyways, so if you have a problem like a deleted world object or a bad navmesh the log won't say anything helpfull.
- you should be doing this if you have such a problem:
- http://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=TES5Edit_Mod_Cleaning_Tutorial
- http://wiki.step-project.com/TES5Edit/TES5Edit_Cleaning_Instructions
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- .___.
- {0,0} _________________________________________________________________________________________________
- /)__)> |this file was made in June 2017 and the information within is subject to change due to mod updates|
- -'-'- ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
Notice: The following is for 18++ years of age or older. Not intended for minors.
I am writing this December of 2020 and almost January 2021. Skyrim came out in November of 2011 and many guides are way outdated making them hard to follow with all the new Skyrim updates. I have recently learned by asking other modders that some develop in Skyrim LE and convert their mods to Skyrim SE.
Modding is an advanced topic even without SexLab. Now that you are looking to write a Skyrim mod, there will be some assumed knowledge in this tutorial.
This link was where I started but I could not get things to work without changing some of the steps. The lines about needing a dialog, I am copying and pasting into my blog post here for now. I will change and go into more detail later.
Skyrim Fnis Sexlab Framework Idles Se
Make sure you have Winzip or similar installed before starting this tutorial. Also, take note how long it’s been that these files were published. Part of the reason so many of us in 2021 are having problems configuring our environments.
I am assuming you already know how to use and configgure MO2 for your Skyrim LE installation. If you don’t then this topic is too advance for you. Come back when you know more on MO2, installing and configuring mods. I am also assuming you have the Skyrim DLC’s; Dawnguard, Dragonborn, and Hearthfire.
Before doing anything, go to your Skyrim/Data folder and unzip the scripts.rar file.
Now go get SKSE for LE and copy it’s contents into your Skyrim folder.
Now go configure MO2 for your Skyrim LE and Creation Kit.
Fores New Idles in Skyrim – FNIS
FNIS Behavior 7_6
FNIS Creature Pack 7.6
NetImmerse Override
** I had to download an older version to not get errors when compiling.
NetImmerse Override v2-9-6-37481-2-9-6
Note: I did not see this on the SexLab Framework website as a requirement. I had loads of errors and installing this fixed everything.
Skyrim SexLab – Sex Animation Framework v1.62 – UPDATED Jun 3rd 2016 v1.62
Out of the file choices I downloaded the following:
Zaz Animation Pack V7.0 [2017-05-16] 7.0
Out of the file choices I downloaded the following:
Zaz Animation Pack CBBE V.8.0.[2017.11.19].7z
On the site, you download a zipped file that is a link with encryption code. Use it to get the files you need.
Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch-71214-3-0-15-1569437811.7z
XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended – XPMSE
XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended-68000-4-79-1603821288.7z
Assuming you have things configured correctly in MO2, we can move forward.
Lets Get Started:
Makes no sense to me but by defualt the Skyrim Creation Kit only allows one master file loaded at a time. We need to change the SkyrimEditor.ini in your Skyrim folder to have this value at the top of the [General] sention.
This is very important. The unspoken direction that are hard to find.
A user named tasairis from the SexLab SE Support thread
Shared this with me:
CK SE looks for script sources in sourcescripts by default, but CK LE originally wanted them in scriptssource. This has been a reason many cannot get their SexLab Framework development environments working under Skyrim SE. I am hoping to make another post that explains how to get it working under Skyrim SE.
If for any reason your installation uses sourcescripts and not scriptssource, you need to change it. You will find this where you configured MO2 to install your mods.
Open the Creation Kit from your Skyrim LE MO2 setup. Now create a new SexLab mod with these files selected; Skyrim, Update, SexLab, and Zaz Animation Pack.
Will add more detail on how to do this later. But go create a new actor in the creation kit and add them to new *.esp file. Make sure this actor has new dialog created and it needs to be tested and working before proceeding forward.
Double click to open the properties on that piece of working dialog.
Under Papyrus Fragments, Type:
Now click compile to make sure you get no errors. You need this to compile with no errors before moving forward.
Click OK to close the dialog window and then click ok again to close the quest window. Reopen the quest and dialog window and under scripts you should see a script named TIF_0000000. The zeros will be replaced with random numbers.
Right click that script and click “edit source”.
Under the ;END FRAGEMENT CODE, place the line shown below:
;END FRAGMENT CODE – Do not edit anything between this and the begin comment
SexLabFramework property SexLab auto
Go to File and save. The script should compile with no errors. You cannot proceed forward unless this can compile with no errors.
No go forth and make great Skyrim sex mods using the SexLab Framework.
Reopen your code file again. You should know by now that the file name I have and the file name you have will be different.
;BEGIN FRAGMENT CODE – Do not edit anything between this and the end comment
Scriptname TIF__04000D6A Extends TopicInfo Hidden
The numbers after the TIF__XXXXX need to match the file name that is displayed in your Script Name property box for the dialog you are attaching the script.
Do not mess with those lines of code and delete everything after that. Now put the following on the line right under the script name.
Function Fragment_0(ObjectReference akSpeakerRef)
Actor akSpeaker = akSpeakerRef as Actor
; // Create our actor array using our chosen actor references
actor[] sexActors = new actor[2]
sexActors[0] = SexLab.PlayerRef
sexActors[1] = akSpeaker
; // Initialize our animation array as empty, so SexLab will pick the animations based on defaults
sslBaseAnimation[] anims
; // “Buisness Time”
SexLab.StartSex(sexActors, anims)
;END FRAGMENT CODE – Do not edit anything between this and the begin comment
SexLabFramework property SexLab auto
Assuming you made it this far, you should have success. I did not write this mod. I just enjoy posting my notes of what worked for me. If you have any issues, please contact the support page for SexLab Frame on; https://www.loverslab.com/.
Here is a link to the thread in the support forum where ask my questions.
Skyrim Fnis Sexlab Framework Idles
Skyrim Fnis Sexlab Creature Idles
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