Panasonic 3do Iso

There are 424 known programs for the 3DO, divided as follows. Games (424) Click on the title for more information about that thing. Alternatively, list the games for a different machine. There are 424 known programs for the 3DO, divided as follows. Games (424) Click on the title for more information about that thing. Alternatively, list the games for a different machine. Panasonic 3do Iso Download The 3DO Interactive Multiplayer is a 32-bithome video game console developed by The 3DO Company and designed by New Technologies Group, released in North America by Panasonic first on 4 October 1993.

  1. Panasonic 3do Isos
  2. Alone In The Dark (1994) (Infogrames) ..
  3. 3DO Games And How To Burn Them
  4. Edge|emulation | Download Panasonic 3DO ISOs / ROMs | S

The Panasonic 3do Real Multiplayer was a Home Video Game Console developed by the 3do company in 1994. Its humongous price tag of $700 and oversaturation in the video game market at the time meant it was a commercial failure.

EmulatorRom FolderExtensionBIOSController Config
lr-opera3do.iso .cuepanafz10.bin/opt/retropie/configs/3do/retroarch.cfg

Emulator: lr-opera (formerly known as lr-4do).

lr-opera is experimental, and even with an overclocked RPi3B+ it is slow so it isn't recommended for Raspberry Pi users at this time.

With the Odroid-XU4, performance has increased and made many games playable as of July 2018 when development was taken over by a newer developer. CPU threading being added for the CPU/GPU found in the XU4 continues to increase performance as of September 2018. How to flip the image on my logitec webcam for mac.


Accepted File Extensions: .iso.bin/cue

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The file needed is panafz10.bin (md5 hash f47264dd47fe30f73ab3c010015c155b).
Place your panafz10.bin BIOS file in


lr-opera utilises Retroarch configurations

Add custom retroarch controls to the retroarch.cfg file in

For more information on custom RetroArch controls see: RetroArch Configuration

Panasonic 3do Isos

ISOs ยป Panasonic 3DO (3DO Interactive Multiplayer)

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(Total titles available: 140)
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Alone In The Dark (1994) (Infogrames) ..

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Most Downloaded

Need for Speed, The (1994)(Electronic Arts)(US)[A1115 CC 735507-2 R70]
Super Street Fighter II Turbo (1994)(Panasonic)(US)[A1069 DE SM3851-2 RE1 R72]
Road Rash (1994)(Electronic Arts)(Eu)[CDD4431]
Gex (1995)(Crystal Dynamics)(Eu)[3DRM-1277190]
Yu Yu Hakusho (1994)(Tomy)(Jp)[FP-125]
Killing Time (1995)(Studio 3DO)(US)[!][B1460 CE 01592-2 RE1 R71]
Alone in the Dark (1994)(Interplay)(US)[!][CD3D00380 R1H]
Corpse Killer (1994)(Digital Pictures)(US)[!][GW 02321 SRCR01]
Escape from Monster Manor - A Terrifying Hunt for the Undead (1993)(Electronic Arts)(US)[!][B349
Battle Chess (1993)(Interplay)(US)[!][WO 57350-3P]

Top Rated

John Madden NFL Football (1994)(Electronic Arts)(Eu)[!][CDD4433]
Kakinoki Shogi (1994)(ASCII)(Jp)[FZ-SJ0902]
Kingdom - The Far Reaches (1994)(Interplay)(Eu)[CDD7954]
Mazer (1995)(American Laser Games)(US)[B1279 CP 000388-2 R70]
MegaRace (1994)(Mindscape)(US)[B309 DJ 219961-2 R73]
Myst (1994)(Panasonic)(US)[FZSM0204 R1J]
Novastorm (1994)(Psygnosis)(US)[!][3DRM-1255110 1]
OverDrivin' (1994)(Electronic Arts)(Jp)[Road & Track Presents][IMP-SD0101]
PaTaank (1994)(PF.Magic)(US)[502565]
Pebble Beach Golf Links (1993)(Panasonic)(US)[!][FZ-SM0101]

3DO Games And How To Burn Them

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Edge|emulation | Download Panasonic 3DO ISOs / ROMs | S

To browse 3DO ISOs, scroll up and choose a letter or select Browse by Genre. If you're feeling adventurous, try the advanced rom browser.