D D Campaign Planner

The Overview is a convenient way to track the many details of your campaign’s new and exciting world. There’s a lot of important details about your story/world that you’ll need to write down, and this is the place. Here is where you’ll also see how long your campaign has been running as a nice reminder of all the good times you’ve had. Campaign Plan (JSCP).” It establishes policies, processes, and responsibilities for management and review of Global Campaign Plans (GCPs), Combatant Command (CCMD) campaign plans (CCPs), integrated contingency plans (ICPs), and other plans tasked by the Contingency Planning Guidance (CPG) or the JSCP in accordance with references a through dd. Your D&D game will become more unpredictable, entertaining Going with the flow and making stuff up on the fly is a good thing. I believe that it is beneficial to a D&D campaign. If you can keep the quality of improvised scenes high it should make your players feel like their characters can do anything and go anywhere. With specialized info boxes for NPCs and foes, XP trackers, and a world map, this notebook will make sure you’re never left making up a last minute character or scrambling to remember an old one. Plus, the handy dungeon map designer will help you design a randomized dungeon on the go that always feels and looks fresh. It's a web-based campaign management site. Kind of a mash up of a Wiki, Forum, Blog, Calendar, and a few other features. It's intended to be shared with players, but allows the admin to hide DM only content. I used it for one campaign that had a relatively complex political structure behind the scenes.

DnD Campaign Planner is at its core a free tool. We do however offer a premium tier that helps support the site.

At this time the premium tier will disable ads and your name will be added to the donors page, but we plan on adding additional feature in the near future.

If you would like to sign up you may do so here:

Become a Patron By default the following categories are added to a campaign upon creation.
  • Characters
  • Villains
  • Organizations
  • Events
  • Monsters
  • Locations
  • Magic Items
  • Miscellaneous
After creation, you are free to create any categories that fit your campaign!
Is there a limit to the players that can be added to a campaign?
Add as many players to a campaign as you like! Even if you have people that just want to be included in on the fun, they are welcome too!
Is there a limit to the amount of campaigns I can create?
At this time there is no limit to the amount of campaigns that can be created.
When a campaign item is created, DnD Campaign Planner gives you the ability to create a connection from that item to another item. For example, you may create an organization and want to create connections from characters to that organization. When viewing the connections they will be displayed in a network diagram showing all of the visible connections as well as details about the connections when hovering.
Why does my screen appear different from the players?
As the DM (admin), you will have the ability to view everything that has been entered, whether it is made visible to the players or not. So you may see Items or Connections that they are not able to see.

D&d Campaign Planner

After logging into your account, click on 'Resources' in the top navigation. Then you will see a 'Premium Assets' tab that will include those images. If going there directly from this page, be sure to click on 'View Campaigns' in the top right first. Our navigation changes a little bit depending on where you are in the site, it's not ideal and I'm looking into a fix.

Edit: You can now download the complete Instant Campaign Builder.(pdf file)

What is the Instant Campaign Builder Project?

As a DM I always have 2 objectives when I plan a campaign.

  • Create the best campaign ever.

  • Not spend any time doing it.

They seem to be contradictory goals. Well, they are. Compromises have to be made. The more time you spend planning and plotting, the better your campaign should be. But I believe that it is possible to prepare a quality campaign without spending too much time at the drawing board.

Over the next 2 weeks I’ll share my thoughts on optimizing prep time, channeling inspiration and creating unforgettable scenes.

The objective

What is too much time? In my opinion anything over 1 hour of prep time for 4 hours of play is unnecessary but you can spend as much time as you want creating and writing – I wish I could.

Expy the dragon says:
Always wear a helmet when
building a campaign.

D D Campaign Planner Free

So let’s say you’re planning a campaign that will last 100 hours of play – roughly 25 4-hour games. You should be able to plan the whole campaign in 25 hours so you’ll probably need as much as a few weeks of preparation in your spare time – or 1 week-end if you’re really pumped up. (to get pumped up, you can browse this collection of gaming motivational posters)

D&d Campaign Planner App

The objective of the Instant Campaign Builder is to give you the necessary tools to keep that prep-time to play-time ratio under 1 to 4.

The prerequisites

D&d Campaign Settings

D&d campaign generator

As long as you’re not Dming your first game ever, I think this project will help you. If you’re just undertaking the Dungeon Master profession, I think you would be better served by using a published campaign setting, or at least a published adventure to get your feet wet, see what your players like and what your strengths and weaknesses are as a dungeon master.

Download the complete Instant Campaign Builder! (pdf file)

Or read the articles online:

D&d Campaign Planner Notebook

  • Instant Campaign Builder #2: Props