This version of the Wurst Hacked Client is available for Minecraft 1.16.5 and 1.16.4, as well as snapshots 21w15a, 21w14a, 21w13a, 21w11a and 21w05a/b.
Today you find out how to duplicate using the Aristois client on Vanilla Minecraft (Java Edition). 1.15.2 MountBypass and Dupe Hack. A few days ago I posted in some of the comments a link to a Mount Bypass hack I created which was added onto Wurst, but you had to compile it yourself. Well, since the Wurst developers aren't active enough to accept my pull request and add it to the official version of Wurst, I'm giving my own download link.
WARNING: The 21w11a+ versions are very broken and will crash instantly if you activate the wrong hacks. It is recommended to turn off all hacks before using these versions.
Note: The 21w05a version also works with 21w05b.
- Note: Keybinds are slightly different depending on your Minecraft version. Check the Wurst Wiki for details. B - FastPlace;FastBreak. C - Fullbright.
- Minecraft PE Duplication Glitch: There's another method that works for me. All I do is put the item I want to duplicate into a chest then ask a friend/whoever to go into the chest as well.
- Minecraft Duplication Hacked Client - WORKS IN MULTIPLAYER - 1.8 - 1.11.X FREE DOWNLOAD. Minecraft TU26/TU27/TU28 Duplication Glitch Infinite Diamonds!
Added .dupe: Allows you to duplicate items using a book & quill. Check the wiki page for instructions. (Thanks to Gaider10 for discovering and sharing this glitch!)
Fixed ChatTranslator not translating anymore.
Fixed a lot of crashes and visual glitches in the 21w11a version (but not all of them).
Features In This Release
- AutoSword
- AutoSwim
- CaveFinder
- ChatTranslator
- CrashChest
- Criticals
- Derp
- Excavator
- ExtraElytra
- FancyChat
- FastBreak
- FastPlace
- FightBot
- Fish
- Follow
- ForceOP
- HandNoClip
- HeadRoll
- InfiniChat
- InstantBunker
- ItemGenerator
- Kaboom
- KillPotion
- Liquids
- MassTPA
- MileyCyrus
- MultiAura
- NameProtect
- NameTags
- NoClip
- NoFireOverlay
- NoHurtcam
- NoOverlay
- NoPumpkin
- NoSlowdown
- NoWeather
- NoWeb
- NukerLegit
- Overlay
- Panic
- Parkour
- PlayerFinder
- PotionSaver
- ProphuntESP
- Protect
- Radar
- RainbowUI
- Reach
- RemoteView
- ScaffoldWalk
- ServerCrasher
- SkinDerp
- Sneak
- SpeedHack
- SpeedNuker
- Step
- Throw
- Timer
- Tired
- TooManyHax
- TP-Aura
- Trajectories
- TriggerBot
- TrollPotion
- TrueSight
- Changelog Button
- Wurst Capes
- Disable Wurst Button
- HackList
- Keybind Manager
- Last Server Button
- Middle Click Friends
- Reconnect Button
- Sentry
- ServerFinder
- Server Clean Up
- TabGUI
- Wurst Logo
- Zoom
Want more? Suggest new features!
Window-based ClickGUI (press Right CTRL to open).
Navigator (press Right Shift to open).
TabGUI (must be enabled through Navigator, use with Arrow Keys and Enter).
All keybinds can be changed in-game. Go to Wurst Options > Keybinds or type .help binds
in the chat.
- B -> FastPlace;FastBreak
- C -> Fullbright
- G -> Flight
- Ö -> SpeedNuker
- H -> /home
- J -> Jesus
- K -> MultiAura
- N -> Nuker
- R -> Killaura
- Right CTRL -> ClickGUI
- Right Shift -> Navigator
- U -> Freecam
- X -> X-Ray
- Z -> Sneak
Duplication Hack Minecraft
See this tutorial for a more detailed explanation with pictures.
Download the Fabric installer (choose either EXE or JAR)
Ps4 god of war cheats. Run the Fabric installer (if you can’t run it, install Java first)
Download Wurst and the Fabric API (see the download buttons below).
Place both Wurst and the Fabric API in your
If you can’t launch the game, it usually means you have the wrong version of something.See “How to fix your Wurst installation” for details.
Note: not all the features will be available in all Minecraft Versions.
- .addalt
- .annoy
- .author
- .bind
- .binds
- .blink
- .clear
- .copyitem
- .damage
- .dig
- .drop
- .enabledhax
- .enchant
- .excavate
- .features
- .follow
- .friends
- .getpos
- .ghosthand
- .give
- .gm
- .goto
- .help
- .invsee
- .ip
- .jump
- .leave
- .modify
- .nothing
- .nuker
- .path
- .potion
- .protect
- .rename
- .repair
- .rv
- .say
- .search
- .setcheckbox
- .setmode
- .setslider
- .settings
- .spammer
- .sv
- .t
- .taco
- .throw
- .toomanyhax
- .tp
- .unbind
- .vclip
- .viewnbt
- .wms
- .xray
- /home
- AntiAFK
- AntiBlind
- AntiCactus
- AntiFire
- AntiKnockback
- AntiPotion
- AntiSpam
- AntiWaterPush
- AntiWobble
- AutoArmor
- AutoBuild
- AutoDrop
- AutoEat
- AutoFarm
- AutoFish
- AutoLeave
- AutoMine
- AutoPotion
- AutoReconnect
- AutoRespawn
- AutoSign
- AutoSoup
- AutoSprint
- AutoSteal
- AutoSwim
- AutoSwitch
- AutoSword
- AutoTool
- AutoTotem
- AutoWalk
- BaseFinder
- Blink
- BlockHit
- BoatFly
- BonemealAura
- BowAimbot
- BuildRandom
- BunnyHop
- CameraNoClip
- CaveFinder
- ChatTranslator
- ChestESP
- ClickAura
- ClickGUI
- CMD-Block
- CrashChest
- CrashTag
- Criticals
- Derp
- Dolphin
- Excavator
- ExtraElytra
- FancyChat
- FastBow
- FastBreak
- FastEat
- FastLadder
- FastPlace
- FightBot
- Flight
- Follow
- ForceOP
- ForcePush
- Freecam
- Fullbright
- Glide
- HandNoClip
- Headless
- HeadRoll
- HealthTags
- HighJump
- InfiniChat
- InstantBunker
- InvWalk
- ItemESP
- ItemGenerator
- Jesus
- Jetpack
- Kaboom
- Killaura
- KillauraLegit
- KillPotion
- Liquids
- LogSpammer
- MassTPA
- MileyCyrus
- MobESP
- MobSpawnESP
- MountBypass
- MultiAura
- NameProtect
- NameTags
- Navigator
- NoClip
- NoFall
- NoFireOverlay
- NoHurtcam
- NoOverlay
- NoPumpkin
- NoSlowdown
- NoWeather
- NoWeb
- Nuker
- NukerLegit
- OP-Sign
- Overlay
- Panic
- Parkour
- Phase
- PlayerESP
- PlayerFinder
- PotionSaver
- ProphuntESP
- Protect
- Radar
- RainbowUI
- Reach
- Regen
- RemoteView
- SafeWalk
- ScaffoldWalk
- Search
- ServerCrasher
- SkinDerp
- Sneak
- Spammer
- SpeedHack
- SpeedNuker
- Spider
- Step
- TemplateTool
- Throw
- Timer
- Tired
- TooManyHax
- TP-Aura
- Trajectories
- TriggerBot
- TrollPotion
- TrueSight
- Tunneller
- X-Ray
Choose your plan before these offers self-destruct
- VERSION : 12.005
- No support given
- 3 for the price of 1. Get our 3 hacks, with just one order. (CS:GO, RDR2, MINECRAFT and many more soon)
- Private and safe
- 24/7 Support
Duplication Hack Minecraft 1.16.4
24Duplication Glitch Minecraft 1.16
- 3 for the price of 1. Get our 3 hacks, with just one order. (CS:GO, RDR2, MINECRAFT and many more soon)
- Private and safe
- 24/7 Support
- Allows multiple PCs to use the hack, so you can lend the hack even to your friends